The Secret to Digital File Organization is Easier Than You Think

If your digital file system needs a little TLC, you’re not alone. Things can get a little messy in there.


That’s why I’m sharing a very simple trick that can help you tame the chaos and maintain your digital file organization:

Change the default destination of your downloaded files.

Yep, it’s that simple. Hear me out.

By default, Chrome saves all downloaded files to a specific “Downloads” folder. This makes it easy to quickly save and access your files in the short term, but it can put a significant damper on your file organization in the long run.

So to avoid future headaches, all you need to do is change the settings in Chrome so that it prompts you to select a destination for each downloaded file instead. This allows you to take control of your saved files in real time, rather than stashing them away in a folder to be “filed later” (which, let’s be honest, may or may not end up happening).

This trick is especially helpful for my fellow type B friends, but type A folks will love it too.

If it’s a temporary file that you don’t need to save long term, you can still opt to save it in your Downloads folder. Just make sure to periodically audit and delete those files so they’re not taking up unnecessary space on your computer.

But if you’re saving anything you plan on keeping long term, you’ll want to file that sucker in its proper location immediately. 

Your future self will thank your present self for this, I promise. 

How to change the default destination of saved files in Google Chrome:

  • Click the 3 vertical dots (the “snowman”)  in the top right corner of your Chrome browser

  • Scroll to the bottom and click “Advanced”

  • Scroll to the “Downloads” section

  • Click the “Ask where to save each file before downloading” toggle so that it turns blue

Watch the video below to see the steps in action:


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